Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family. Friends. Pumpkins.

October wouldn't be complete without some pictures from our multiple fall trips to the pumpkin patch. This year we were lucky enough to share our annual tradition with friends and out-of-town family. The kids love going to the farm to ride the hayride and see the tractors, and search for that perfect gourd. My favorite part is eating fresh roasted corn on the cob afterwards!

This year was a particularly gorgeous year. We had awesome 60 degree sunny weather, and ended up at the farm twice in the same week. It was great! I have a picture of my kids here out in the pumpkin patch from every year. It's fun to see how big they grow in relation to the pumpkins that used to dwarf them when they were little!

The weather was so gorgeous that I'm thinking next year I'll have to hold some special autumn themed sessions out here.

Here are the highlights!

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